The Entre Vinhas & Mar project emerged as a tribute to the family, in a way of honouring and continue the ancestral agricultural heritage, through a path of specialisation and sustainable innovation. For that reason, our vineyards are being prepared to produce wine, this time, organic. The concept of sustainability occurred naturally in the project due to the idea and practice of reutilisation in its different aspects.
Recorremos à compostagem para o seu sustento tendo, como destino, a utilização dos seus produtos (morangos, tomates, pimentos, etc) na composição das refeições servidas aos hóspedes e materializando o conceito “from the farm to the table”, numa vontade de valorizar a terra e usufruir do melhor que ela tem para dar.
Norteados pela sustentabilidade ambiental, no Entre Vinhas & Mar enveredamos por um consumo ético, cientes da nossa responsabilidade social. Assim, promovemos a mobilidade saudável e sustentável, disponibilizando, por exemplo, o aluguer de bicicletas elétricas, assim como estacionamento ao ar livre para as mesmas. Trabalhamos em parceria com produtores locais, seguimos uma política de compras sustentável, comprando a granel o necessário, contratamos pessoas locais, oferecemos menus saudáveis e incentivamos o uso de alimentos frescos, saudáveis e biológicos nos nossos cardápios.
A corroborar todos estes aspetos, temos o certificado Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle.
There is, therefore, a whole dynamic around the genetic preservation of crops, by the sustainable use of the soil, working on food security and sustainability, promoting biodiversity and quality of life.
However, the sustainable dream doesn't end here. This project aims to continuously seek to adopt and improve sustainable practices, by always privileging the client's experience, in which you can breathe and feel the pace of nature in a primordial and genuine space, combining simplicity and the comfort of hospitality.
Do encontro com o espaço onde se encontravam armazenados inúmeros paus de vinha de madeira, reutilizámos os mesmos para a construção das floreiras no exterior e para a construção de peças de mobiliário, presentes em várias zonas do nosso empreendimento. A par destas peças, outras pertencentes à família foram incorporadas no mesmo espaço.
A aposta num modelo sustentável é consciente e o seu crescimento orgânico. Da horta biológica colhemos as ervas aromáticas, tais como lúcia lima, hortelã, alecrim, tomilho. Ora para condimentar o prato, ora para fazer infusões!
But there is much more to this environmentally friendly journey. The separation of garbage, the reuse of packaging for garbage cans, the construction of the greenhouse with used plastic bottles, the use of water filters accessible to all guests replacing disposable bottles, the existence of a pond, and solar panels are all actions in line with the goal of making the project even more sustainable.
We are aware that the products served at the table are the mirror of this attitude and practices. At Entre Vinhas & Mar we have sought not only to preserve what the land offers as autochthonous, but also to recover some foods, through seeds, as in the case of barbel wheat. These seeds, now cultivated again, are used to make bread.
Aware of the importance of maintaining sustainable tourism development, and assuming the principles specifically adopted in the World Charter for Sustainable Tourism, ENTRE VINHAS & MAR, AGROTURISMO is committed to carrying out a sustainable management of its activities, through the adoption of commitments oriented to prevent, eliminate or reduce the impact of our facilities and activities, both internal and external, as well as optimizing the sustainability of your operation, improving your behaviour towards the environment.
For this purpose, ENTRE VINHAS & MAR, AGROTURISMO has adopted the following sustainability policy, through which it undertakes to comply with the requirements established in the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle benchmark, which includes, among other things, the legal requirements that regulate the effects generated by the tourist activity.
Thus, we are committed to motivating and training our employees with training and awareness actions on the principles of Sustainability, to promoting good environmental practices and participating in external activities, and to informing both internally and externally about the advances and environmental actions of the company.
We are also engaged in fighting sexual exploitation, or any other form of commercial exploitation and harassment, particularly against children, adolescents, women, and minorities. We also include a commitment to adopt accessibility measures for people with disabilities (sensory, physical, intellectual, and psychological). One of our main objectives is to improve sustainable management, assuming the commitments of continuous improvement in all areas of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental, as well as customer satisfaction.
For this, the current and future projects managed by ENTRE VINHAS & MAR, AGROTURISMO will be subject to the criteria of sustainability and efficiency in the use of resources.
This Sustainability Policy will be updated whenever circumstances require, adopting and publishing new sustainability objectives in both cases.
Agroturismo Entre Vinhas & Mar
Estrada do Vau, nº7 I, Amoreira
2510-434, Óbidos
(+351) 262 968 062 - Telephone
(+351) 965 007 059 - Mobile Phone